The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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24 Japs Shot at Sailors After Sinking Ship Survivor Says Julian A Hall 24 Wounded by lying Shrapnel Near Solomon Islands Marines Came to Rescue Back from the Solomon islands where a Jap cruiser blasted the de stroyer Little with a smashing broadside at 1500 yards Julian A Hall 24 quartermaster first class to day described how the enemy survivors in the water with shrapnel bursts from antiaircraft shells set with short fuses to explode at 75 to 100 yards above the American seamen With his ship patrolling off Guadal canal from August 7 when the ma rines crashed ashore until September 5 when the Little was sunk Ball said it was one long alert would lean against stanchion and doze off then come to with a Blart" It was on one such patrol when lis tening devices picked up sounds sim itar to the roar of surf on beaches The sounds apparently came from the opposite side of the island But when the Tattle rounded the land's and a heavy cruiser loomed less than 2000 yards off her batteries pointing dl erectly nt the destroyer "She must have been lying In waft or have spotted us and was rounding the island to meet us" said Hall The outcome was settled with the first salvo The Little was literally "knocked out of the Hall de clared With much more superior fir ing power and at a range that made missing almost impossible shells tore through the destroyer and in 15 min utes she went under ortunately many of the men suc ceeded in launching rafts and climb ing aboard them while others went overside when the order to abandon ship was given That was at 1 a in the channel between Guadalcanal and lorida islands or the next seven hours the men were in the wa ter At dawn three Jap cruisers moved into the channel and began to blaze away with their short timed fuses Shrapnel rained down on the help less survivors Hall was wounded in his right side and still has a piece of stMft) in his leg "They think' about picking us Hall said bitterly tried to grind us with their propellers and to punch holes in us with the shrap nel But when the marines opened up on them thev back tracked ch boatsinanned by Jeather ks picked ujKthe Little's crew or what was left of them Hall had high praise for the marines Be said his tribute was "from deep down went through hell and those marines dragged us out of the Water paying no attention to firing from the Jap Ball Is visitinr sister Mrs Mtinda Collier of 33 Myrtle sttet He cnllsteii at the Springfield recruitingstation August 19 193S after work ing year at Jle made his home with enother aioter Miss Kath erine Hall and brother Reynolds Stall at 270 Commonwealth avenue before he decided to be a sailor Moultrie Ge WheiW his mother Mre John Hall 'Still lives 6 JULJAX A HALL CLASON TO HOLD EXAMINATIONS OR WEST POINT 3 Competitive Tests for Vacancies In 1943 Class Will Come December 12 Competitive examinations to fill two vadhneies at West Point in the class entering in July 3943 will be held or Congressman Charles Cla son by the United States Civil Serv ice commission on Saturday Decem ber 12 Clason announced today rom the results of the examina tion to be held at a in the postoffice two principals and two first second and third alternates will 1 selected who will take the reg ular entrance for West Point on March 2 Applicants must Tw bona fide res idents of the second congressional dis trict who will not be under 17 or over 22 at the time they would enter th! academy on July 1 They must be at least five feet six Inches Jn hight Young men interested in the examination can secure (further de tails by communicating with Clason be held the I Sampson funeral home Saturday morning at 815 with a requiem high mass in St Michael's cathedral at 9 Burial wali lit ftMichael' cemetery RANK KAMINSKI DIES WAS CHURCH OUNDER AT NEWINGTON CT PHARMACIST HERE Hoy A Sunter 4f of 148 fTa'rtfcrd terrace died yesterday morning at Piewington Ct He was Hol yoke March 23 1896 son of the late 'Alexander and Annie (O'Connor) Sun ter A resident of this city since 1909 Pe was well known druggist main taining an establishment of 597 £ick Inson street a MP SuHter Ws a World War vet eran and memlier of the American Holy Name church ami Springfield lodge (A lks He Was a graduate of local schools and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Jfe had len it th drug busines 1923 Widow Mr Winifred (JWalker) Sunter he leaves two sons Roy (A1 Sunter Jr and Edward Sun der a daughter Miss Barbara9 Sufi tjter one brother William Sunter 411 of Springfield two sisters Mrs Robert (C Schimmel and Mrs Harold Lewis both of Milton Th funeral will be held at funeral horn Satur diy Aborning atYO15 followed by sol emn requiem high mass at Holy Name church at 'll Burial Will ia Mlichaei'a cemetery William ft RnilfR 'William (A Smith 75 of 75 Saratoga reet died his home last night He was born at Eflasthampton Janu ary 1 1867 and had resided in this city many years He Was a toolmaker at the United States Armory for 35 years He was a member of DeSoto lodge of Odd ellows He leaves his widow Mirai Celia (Deorge) Smith sons Elton Smith of thi city and William 1 Smith of Detroit ne daughter Mrs Gladys Plankey of this city nd five grandchildren Ken neth and Stanley Smith William Robert and Marie Plankey The fu neral will be held at funeral rank Kaminski 9 one of the founders of St Joseph's Polish Na tional church in this city died today at Mercy hospital He made his home nt 10 Butler street and is survived by his wife Dena (Snarski) Kaminski Born in Poland Kaminski came to Springfield 34 years ago and was a machinist for the Boston Albany railroad before his retirement He was a member of the Polish National al liance The funeral will be held Sat urday morning at the Ostrowski fu neral home at 830 with a solemn requiem high thiass in St Joseph's Polish NaWonJl church Burial will lie in St Joseph's cemetery MRS) CLINTON A TURNER Mrs Sarali Rs (Smith) Turner wife of( Clinton A Turner of 201 Dickin son street died today at the Spring field hospital after a short illness She was boria in England but lived here for the greater part of her life where she was long an active member of All Episcopal church The fu neral will be held at the Hafey funer al home Saturday afternoon at 2 and burial will be in Oak Grov cemetery g) Ruldrlnl Louis of 739 Worthington street died at Wesson Memorial hos pital this morning Born in Italy he had lived here for the past 45 years and was employed by the Springfield Coal company before his retirement in '1930 He leave? his widow Mrs Cath erine Buklrini three sons' rank and Joseph Qj this city and William in the army and five daughters? Mrs elix Orlando Mrs John De Maria and the Miss Malfalda Eva and lorence all of Springfield He also leaves five grandchildren (The deceased was a member of Mount Carmel church and the ratelianza society The funeral will lie held at the home Saturday morning nt 930 with a requiem high mass at IMount Carmel church at 1015 Burial will be in St ceme tery home Saturday afternoon at 2 Burial will in Hillcrest Park cemtery Miss Melanie Melanie Pageau of 13 Morris Street died at Wesson Memorial hos pital yesterday afternoon She was horn in Canada afid had lived in Springfield for the past 26 years She leaves two brothers Joseph Pageau or Chicopee and Charles Pageau of this city and one sister Mrs Annie Cleveland of Quebec The funeral will be held at the Grise funeral home in Chicopee tomorrow morning at 815 followed by requiem high mass at St church at 9 Burial will be In St Aloysius cemetery Bartholomew Haggerty Bartholomew Haggerty died at his home at 105 York street New Haven Ct Tuesday night lie is survived by one sister Mrs Nellie Summers of 15 Mattoon street The funeral will loors Look Like New NEW DUSTLESS LOOR SANDER TO RENT 1 Tel 2 1031 Hardware Co 1tt MAIN ST NEAR UNION ESTABLISHED 191 MHBBi Sperllixlng In eather Curl rench Oil Permanent Soft With All the Curls You Need $375 BARSOM At Winchester Sq Tel 11 MW Open Evenings by Appointment The funeral of Miss Elizabeth Ses sions of North road Hampden will lie held at the home tomorrow after noon at 2 Rev Glen Douglas will officiate The funeral of William Gilmar tin of 212 Jasper street will be held at the State street parlors of theT Sampson company tomorrow morning at 815 followed by requiem high mass at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church at 9 Burial will be in St Mi chael's cemetery The funeral of Mrs Barbara Borto lotti of 47 Coleman street was held this morning at the St Piei re funeral home with a requiem high mass at Our Ijady of the Sacred Heart church Rev John Loftus celebrant Bearers were Mario Navone Louis Amato Eugene and Ernesto Caradonna red Bortolotti and elice Tagliaferro Rev George Donahue read the commit tal services at the grave in St Mi 1 The funeral of John Lynch of 3386 Main street was held this morn ing at tlie Sampson funeral home with a solemn high mass of requiemit St Rev Joseph A Moynihan celebrant Bear ers were Daniel Lynch Richard Lynch Jr Robert Hesterly and Wil bur Desautelles Rev Bernard Do heny read the committal services at the grave in St cemetery! The funeral of Mrs Antoinette Pro loga of 82 Queen avenue West Spring field was held this morning at the home Rev Taylor officiating Bearers were Carl Tranchese Joseph Giglio Nicholas and Alfred Mele Jus tin Mansini and Victor DeMaio Burial wflfi in Oak Grove cemetery funeral of Joseph Blanchard of Main street was held at Byron's funeral home this morning with a solemn requiem high mass at St Thomas Aquinas church William LeClair celebrant Rev Henry Auger deacon and Rev Joseph Lussier sqdeacon Bearers were John Papineau Oscar Rheaume John KelliherJoseph Roy George Laurendeau and Joseph Dubuc Burial was in St Michael's cemetery THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 1942 OLIN ROATS IS HONORED BY CA EMPLOYES General Counsel Marks 25 Years With ederal Land Bank Here Seventy employes of organizations in the arm Credit administration of Springfield joined this noon in honoring General Counsel Olin Boats for 25 years of service to agri culture in th Northeast Roats was today given a special luncheon in the cafeteria of the ederal bank building attended by all staff members of the credit institutions who have served 10 years or more The guest of honor was given a gift by his assembled colleagues Joining the staff of the ederal Land bank of Springfield in Xovem ber 1917 in its first year of operation Roats was made general counsel three years later In 1935 shortly after the four units then providing credit tor northeastern farmers were grouped under tlj arm Credit administra tion he becne general counsel for the entire administration Since that time he has served as legal adviser for all four units the ederal Land bank of Springfield the Production Credit corporation of Springfield the Springfield Bank for Cooperatives and the ederal Inter mediate Credit bank of Springfield Telegrams and letters of congratu lation from general counsels of 11 other farm credit districts throughout the United States were read at the luncheon by Clinton GraYit of the Land bank staff A special tribute was paid by Robert McConnaughey general counsel for the entire arm Credit administration who I am taking this opportunity to express both for myself and for the staff here congratulations on the excellent service you have rendered during the Hast quarter century and appreciation of the delightful personal associations we have been able to have with you during the latter part of that Decorations at the luncheon table included a large calm surrounded by 25 candles and bouquets of 25 red roses Other employes whose years of service number ijparly 25 sat with Mr Roats at the head jable A resident of Wilbraham Mr Roats received his LLB degree from Cornell university in 1906 HARTORDMAN IN COURT ATER AGAWAM CRASH 0 Nordfors Pleads Guilty to Three Charges Including 'Wet' Driving Pleading guilty to three charges1 drunkenness drunken driving and leaving the scene of an accident aft er causing property damage red erick Nordfors 33 of 11 Mather street Hartford had his case con tinued until Monday for disposition on arraignment in district court today Nordfors was arrested yesterday afternoon in Agawam Center after the truck he was operating south on Main street Agawam struck a parked machine in front of the high school Nordfors was said by police to have driven away and a passing motorist reported the accident Roy Howe of this city charged with driving to endanger had his case continued until the 18 til for trial red Barber and Leslie Crouss both of Agawam charged with op erating a vehicle after license had been suspended and allowing a per son not legally licensed to operate a machine respectively pleaded guilty and had their cases continued until tomorrow for disposition HUBBARILSTODDARD HEARING TOMORROW Harold Hubbard 33 of 2167 Main street charged with abandonment of a minor child and Mary Stoddard 21 of 395 Main streetolyoke a dressmaker accused of nonsupport of a minor child had their cases continued to tomorrow for hearings after appearances in district court today Miss Stoddard pleaded not guilty when arraigned in district court Tuesday She was arrested Monday afternoon at Main and Carew streets Hubbard was arrested at his home last week on a warrant and subse quently pleaded not guilty Police said Hubbard Lpft the child a three month old girl at a Spring field hospital for treatment about two months ago but had failed to show any interest thereafter neither visit ing the child nor offering to pay her hospital expenses Miss Stoddard is said to have visited the child a couple of times according to police 8 Rosa Bonheur painted cattle in the slaughter houses at Paris New Officers at rade School "A a New officers of the senior class at Springfield Trade school as a 19 result or election are left to right: Irene Coiipas marshal Charles Santos president Anna vice president Patsy Yacavone and Ralph Palletino marshals Edward Tippett secretary and Ernest LaVallee treasurer Absent from the picture was Gerard Boulerice marshal Class faculty advisers are Miss Millicent Johnson and Isaac Padfield Housewives Who Hoarded Sugar Will Not Be Able to Get Coffee Those Who Still Have Too Much On Hand to Qualify or Book Are Out of Luck Persons hoarded sugar and were unable to qualify for war ra tion book No 1 at the time it was issued will be barred from receiving rations of coffee until their sugar hoards have been depleted Joseph Cushing chairman of the Springfield war price and ration board warned today In detailed instructions on coffee rationing procedure received today by thedocal board memliers learned that those who aj not eligible to receive sugar will not be able to have cof fee either The question had been raised fre quently since the announcement of the coffee rationing program and the hoard had received a number of inquiries on the subject since coffee is to be rationed with stamps from the sugar books' Hundreds of persons In this city still have too much sugar on hand to qualify for the books At the time of registration for war ration book 1 they were required to declare their sugar stocks and since ihen have been allowed to deplete them only at the regular ration rate of a half pound a week "Until further instructions no per son with excess sugar supplies can get a ration according to in structions Coffee rationing will go into effect at midnight on the 28th Service Enlistments The following men from this area were enlisted today at Springfield recruiting headquarters for the va rious branches of the armed services Army Springfield Renold DeBarge 47 Coleman street John Alother way Jr 19 Washington street How ard 172 Commonwealfii avenue Alfred Mammarelli 55 Jo seph street Richard II Tucker 2311 Wilbraham road West Springfield: Edwin Met calf Jr 25 air view avenue Richard Costine 169 Park Ludlow: John Ingham 149 North Streep Chicopee: Robert Girard 379ront street South Hadley alls: Kenneth E' Katell 21 Lamb street Pittsfield: William Lundy Jr 1092 North street James Zar via 115 rancis street Norman Baker 23 Dorchester avenue Greenfield: William Thayer 14 Kenwood street Williams college: Stephen Mur phy Evan Acklin Gillett Lefferts Jr Amherst college: Conrad Rei man Ralph Wills Jr Belmont: Robert Wallingford 7 Clark street Winchendon: Ren A Therriault 80 Juniper street Ohio: John Stine of Bryson Vermont Paul Nor wich university Navy Springfield: Robert Savard 25 Knox street Robert Sullivan 175 avenue Arthur Stone Jr 95 Keith street Peter Giana kakis 114 Wilcox 'Street Joseph Plassem 47 Whittier street Raymofid Blair 38 Margaret street Robert Guidette 1273 Carew street Wil liam Leary 11 Raymond place Lawrence Wall 18 Sherbrooke street Robert AVright Jr 26 Po mona treet Richard McGee 64 Sylvan street Chicopee: Stanley 3 Krasinkiewicz 39 Joy street South Hadley alls: Rene Ca pistrant 1 Warner street Holyoke: Lawrence Lepine 569 Bridge street Westfield: rancis 3 Mihowski Lock House road' 1 Easthampton: John Anderson 95 Northampton street lorence: Christopher 14 Cahill 12 Sumner avenue Chicopee: rank Dornin SI Chicopee street Brighton: John Donahoe 271 North Beacon street Connecticut: Peter Ricciuitf New Haven? James Shea Jewett City Robert Bradley Branford Leo Atpin Versailles Joseph Mftzykowski Willimantic Theodore Blakeslee Bristol Robert Coloske end Har rison Smith Jr orrestville Al exander Gabor Bridgeport John Menden Charles Adan? Waterbury Coast Guard Springfield: Cornelius Galvin Jr 47 Church street Roland Clfte tien 145 Union street Edward Davidson 38 Bryant street Nicholas Zades 49 Lexington avenue: Ber tram Adams 17 High street South Hadley alls: Joseph St John 38 South street Joseph inik 15 North street John Bettro 19 High street South Hadley: Andrew Kachur Boynton avenue Palmer: Everett Sfarshall Jr 22QB Lathrop street Ludlow: Alexander 48 Johnston 171 Prospect street Chicopee alls: Irving Menard 1 Thaddeus Holyoke: Edwin Wojcik 103 Maple street Armand Morin 13 Clark street James lynn 714 Dwight street James Loftu9? 158 Suffolk street Easthampton: Sidney Donals 17 Lyman aveque Northampton: 'Myron Clark 53 Gothic street: William Miller 353 Prospect hights rancis White 36 Walnut street Bernardston: Thomas Griswold Cross street Monson: John 70 Main street South Deerfield: Lucien Mar kowski 60 Conway street GALLAGHER LEAVES BAPTISTHOSPITAL Police Chief Raymond Gallagher today Was discharged from the New England Baptist hospital at Roxbury which he entered on October 5 for treatment fit an abdominal ailment according to Acting Police Qhief John leming leming said he had been informeo that Gallagher plannedOto stay wit friends in Boston 'for two weeks Though he has been discharged he has been advised to check his condi tiorv by visits to the hospitaP during his stay In Boston Gallagher had expected to be op erated on for a stomach disorder but responded so well toMreatment that officials deemed an operation was not necessary BALOUR OBSERVANCE AT CLASSICAL TONIGHT Atty Harry Ehrlich will preside at the open meeting in Classical high school tonight at 815 marking the local observance of the 25th an niversary of the Balfour declaration Maurice Samuel author and lecturer will be the principal speaker1 Rabbi Sidney Nathanson of Temple Beth El will open the program A short pro gram of Peiestinian songs will be pre sented by Marcia Benya USES PLACED 787 IN JOBS IN ONE WEEK War Industries Benefit by Night Interview Sessions Says Harding The Springfield office of the United States Employment service placed 787 men and women in jobs principally in war industries during the week which ended yesterday George Harding manager announced today The total represents a substantial jump from previous weekly (Iotals Harding said Principal reason for the upswing is success of the program of nightly pooled interviews which have tjeen in progress for the past several weeks he declared With the pooled interviews now an established part of the work of the office Harding declared placements during the month of October totaled 2100 which also represented a sub stantial jump from the previous totals Interviews next week have been arranged to be held at 630 every night On Monday representatives of the Stevens Arms company will be present Tuesday American Bosch Wednesday Pratt Whitney: Thurs day Sickles and riday Springfield armory The interviews will continue as far as necessary into the night CITY SCOURED BY WAR CHEST CANVASSERS Report Meeting Scheduled for Tomorrow Canceled to Give Workers More Time With $121747 still needed to at tain the goal of $661000 by next Monday hundreds of War Chest workers scoured the city today in an effort to make final report meeting a dinner The report meeting originally sched uled for tomorrow has been canceled to give workers additional time to visit all donors on their cards so that the entire city will be canvassed before the close of the drive Merit award in the construction division of the employe army in the drivd went to the Adams Ruxton company where employes joined with the company to exceed their quota by 240 per cent Other reports pouring into Chest headquarters today listed employesA the following firms who have al ready exceeded their quotas: Acker Printing company Aetna Casualty and Surety American In ternational college Atlantic Refining company A Bassette Besse qstate Campbell Page Carter Paper company City library Columbian Na tional Life Insurance company Dempsey Industrial urnace Dunlap Realty trust Equitable Lite Insur ance company ield Eddy Bulk ley General Insurance service Hampden Savings bank John Hanco*ck Mutual Life Home City Electrotype II Hood sons ice cream division internal revenue agents Judd Parsons Parker Wil liam Kavanaugh rank Kinney agency Liberty laundry Litchard Cook Library book house Macdonald Shea Mallory inc Albert Mayer Mutual Benefit Life Mutual Life Insurance company Mutual Trust Life Insurance New England Plumbing company New England Smelting Works Northwestern Mutual Life insur ance Pioneer Valley laundry Pre cision Engineering company Rood Woodbury Royce Superior jundr? George Walter Vincent Smith Art gallery Springfield Buick company Springfield college Springfield Insti tution for Savings Starr Electric company State Blis garage State Mutual Life Insurance company Third Na tional Bank Trust Tilo Roofing Union Central Life Insurance social Vining and Borrner Worthy Paper company and 3 Young company EVENTS SCHEDULED AT WESTOVER IELD Westover fiel men will attend a formal dance tonight in the War Me morial building given by the USO club at Holyoke The Westover field dance orchestra of 16 pieces featur ing two pianos will furnish the music The field band gave a concert yes terday noon in honor of Col Carlo Romulo the last army officer to leave Bataan and Corregidor before these bastions fell to the Japanese Corp Raymond Doherty of all River and North Westport will leave for Cleveland to attend an ord nance school on half track and scout car maintenance He is a member of an ordnance unit at AV estover field The Miss Ann Mar Speaking at Technical High Assembly a i 1 fl Ml I TtchmcMgh school assemblies today in connection with American Education week lit vdJ ner lefl riht: Mrwin Tober Lillian Burnett Erika Vrgmia Dunigan and Jack Kelly Back row left to right: Edward Sullivan Ray Allard Edward Prew and Robert Knowles tin daughter of Mr and Mrs Patrick Martin of 407 Page boulevard East Springfield to Sergt John Bruce of Mr and Mrs Andrew Bruce of Revere was announced to his "bud at the base No wedding date has been Miss Hazel Rita Deso daughter of Mr and Mrs rancis Deso of 181 Wilbraham avenue Springfield will be married to Pvt Robert Lee Dieck meyer a member of a service squad ron Saturday at 10 in post chapel No 1 Capt Hugh Gaffney Catholic chap lain will officiate PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO ASS AULT BATTERY Charles Kefir of 268 Walnut street arrested at 830 a today on a summons charging him with assault and battery pleaded not guilty on ar raignment in district court iiis case was continued until Monday for hear ing The complainant was William LaValley also of this city police said Peter Wyberamecz 67 of 1967 Main street also received a continuance un til Monday for hearings on a similar complaint alleged to have been per lietrated on Adam Gustewicz also of this city Wyberamecz pleaded not guilty DESTROY VERMIN ON CHILDRENS HEADS EECTIVE Schedule Of Waste Collections The department of streets and engineering will collect rubbish and ashes tomorrow from the fol lowing Ashmont Auburn Burton Cherrylyn Clantoy Clinton Hia watha Holyoke Kimberly Mul berry Northampton Pendleton Pinney Prescott Priscilla Ridge wood Rupert Sargeant Seventh Standish 'Stratford Van Buren Vine Westford Westminster Whittier Wilbur and Worthy COURT ALLOWS REPATRIATION 20 W0MEN Restores Citizenship Lost by Marriage War Workers Also Included Twenty women who lost their citizenship by marriage were included in 272 petitioners in a session of naturalization court presided over to day by Judge George Leary in the county courthouse Recommended for repatriation by naturalization offi cials they were given the oath of al legiance by Assistant Clerk of Courts Lewis A Twitchell The afternoon class of 212 included a number of petitioners whose cases had been continued for further study at earlier sessions Many of them were rejected for failure to meet re quirements oh knowledge of the country The rejection was a blow to several since under the Nationality act those whose petitions have been on file since January 13 1941 must be acted upon within two years or be automatically rejected Among the petitioners today was a young man who was sworn into the army today and who will report jit Camp Devens tomorrow ollowing the oath and a brief talk on the ob ligations of American citizenship small American flags were distributed to the new citizens by members of the American Legion auxiliary A number of the petitioners were obviously defense workers having ap peared at court in work attire a contrast to the usual Sunday go to meeting best of past sessions BOITLE CLT MAN SAYS MERCY Suffered Severe Slash in all On Container in Hip Pocket Mike Biirska 59 of Essex who suffered a deep laceration on his right buttock when he fell down while carrying a bottle of fluid in his hip pocket sometime before taking the Wesftield bus to this city last nights was today reported in condi tion at Mercy hospital where he was token in the Springfield police am bulance Burska gave passengers on the Westfield to Springfield bus a scare last night when they discerned blood trickling in a gradually steady man ner from the seat on which a roughly clad man sat apparently very much removed from this world He proved to be alive however though somewhat drowsy when the bus operator brought the vehicle to a sudden stop at Main and Cypress streets in an excited and tense at mosphere He refused to give his name og address at the time and was immediately taken to Mercy hospital GIRL GETS PROBATION ON LEWDNESS CHARGE Ethel Warwick IT of Con gress street arrested on charges of lewdness sai4I to involve soldiers sta tioned at nearby army bases was placed on probation for one year on a finding of guilty in diatrict curt today Miss Warwick was arrested on Oc tober 22d at her home by of the Crime Prevention bureau RECOUNTS DROP AS CANDIDATES IT Cook Nowak Still Plan Seeking Them Kelly Mo quin Undecided The number of recounts of votes for public offices in this area dwindled sharply today as some candidates it before filing peti lions Definitely planning to seek a count is George Cook who appai ently was defeated for the office of Hampden county commissioner by Commissioner Thomas Costello by 443 votes Also planning a recount is Joseph Nowak defeated for stat representative in ward 8 by Demo cratic Representative Stanley Borsa Asst Dist Atty Joseph Kelly of Holyoke said he had decided not seek a recount because oponent won squarely and more power He was defeated for the office of district attorney in the district by Charles Allwni of Pitts field Edgar Moquin wiid "thinking it before deciding whether to seek a recount of the vote for state representative in ward 3 was defeated by Representative Markley by a majority of 323 USESWlLLHOLD INTERVIEWS OR INSPECTOR JOBS Air orce Man Will Interview Applicants Monday and Tuesday A special representative of The af forces will be at the office of United states employment here next Monday and Tuesday to interview applicants for Jobs as pro curement inspectors under war service appointments George Harding manager announced today Qualifications for the positions been modified because of the urgency of the demand for now inspectors and the shortage of xwteran workers Salary range has not been changed however Harding declared Men will be hired ns assistant curement inspectors at $1800 a year procurement inspectors at $2300 year and senior procurement inspec tors at $2600 To qualify for tlie assistant posi tions applicants must have had least one year's Inspecting experience or two years of mechanical experi ence with educational counted Senior inspectors must have hnN a minimum of 214 years inspecting ex perience or five years of mcchanicaj experience Inspectional experience must include reading drawings of high accuracy measuring instru ments interpretation of and making necessary to determine compliance specifi cations Mechanical experience must progress in work and Include reading of drawings and the use instruments Graduates of recognized aeronautical and electrical ngineering courses may offer their educational work as part of their qualifications each finished in a recognizedschool being considered equivalent to nine months of mechanical expericno provided that 41? total credit for educational work ds wot ceed three yeaes of mechanical Experience Tlie air corps represent? tiv will hold interviews from a to 1 and from 5 to 9 tn ARDLEIGH TO SPEAK1 TO SALES MANAGERS Toseph Ardleigh of K'ew director of th Sales Research JLnsti tut of America will the main speak at the regular monthly intfe of th Springfield Sales Man club in Hotel Highland dav the 12th at Airdleigh will discuss tli "Wuildin of a organization in artime He will he introduced by Hoyt Grif fith president of Hi club who preside DRESS A I EARLY ALL DRESSES SA8 Corrfuro Wool end Rayon lannel Rayon Rayon aille Cotton Velveteen SPORTSWMAR Tailotwd qrejitj) One end Two Pie eat) Afternoon Sequin Trim ringe Trim Siiei 9 to I 10 to 29 SECOND LOOR WARM JERSEY DRESSES wool and rayon Long end short sleevo styles in black well as high shades: sizes 12 to 20 DRESSES OURTH LOOR $8W Haynes ashion Center for Women Misses Juniors 1502 Main Sf Air Conditioned DESTROY VERMIN ON CHILDRENS HEADS EECTIVE.

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The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 6614

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.