The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)

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The Macon Telegraphi

Macon, Georgia

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rbUKXBEN 4 THE MACON TELEGRAPH WEDNESDAY- iilORNINQ MABCH 6 JUDGE WHAT PEOPLE' A RE SA Y1NG s'l 1 4 Su 'S' -l i YOUR LAST CHANCE 4 4 70 SECURE THE FAMOUS KUPPENHEMER SUIT OR OVERCOAT AT With the advent of spring comes this extensivo im- provement greatly beautifying our- already attractive store r'oom We think it will be much to your 1 1 at any rate it will furnish an admirable background for one of the finest stocks of Spring mamliiniiiiM 1 fnr mffl and boys ever shown in Macon Fact is advance styles of the most approved sort are ready for your inspection The clearance of winter suits offeris most advantageous choosing in sizes and assortments oats and form crops generally cotton excepted -The Dublin merchants say this step Is necessary to raising more corn and grain and meat A market must be pro vlded to meet the exlgehcles of a change of system The former will be paid for what he brings aa If it was cotton It becomes a cash transaction The ware-housman dispose of it finding market for It This la practical It will be' the stimulus to the change at must come in our farming methods This plan puts food crape on the same basis with cotton as a money crop am glad to see this move in Dublin and hope to jee it adopted generally It is tha common sense way of meeting conditions It gives certainty of market That la what has been lacking The warehouse management an in poaltion to find market The individual farmer Is at disadvantage aa a market finder 'At present while diversified forming is the exception farmers eligible to market can find sale Take for Instance John Dixon of Blackshear last year he prepared three quarter of an acre of ground which he planted in onion and Irish potatoes from which after using all necessary for hie' family and labor he sold worth After these crape were harvested the same land was planted In west potatoes and Mr Dixon sold worth 'Now had many farmers In hie county done likewise there would have arisen need of fixing market Herein lies the necessity of the warehouse plan of Dublin a store house for grain and truck bought on the spot the grower getting cash as he does for cotton This Is the way to Induce general diversification No Big Crop Now George Dumas of Clinton speaking of the crop prospects said: 'If thorough preparation la necessary we can't a big crop in Jones county this year Last year waa an exception Conditions were such that land was put In better state of preparation than ever known before That had much to do with the unusually large £rop "On the other hand the rainfall haa been heavy the soil Is saturated with water and will stand even a severe drouth And besides the freezes have been many making the land mellow So wo can ten what the result wHl be I think farmers will fertilise well what they do plant aa fertilizer la ao much cheaper than labor 'The contest among the beys win go 'on for best acre of corn These con' teste have put people to thinking and the results have stimulated com production and that means more hogs and hominy 1 do not know whether any of our farmers have attempted to get ready vega tables for the reunion Those who planted in time will find market for all they have to sen for it 1 will require much to feed all that crowd you will have In Macon "Cotton is a queer crop Supply and demand does not seem to control It- Yet it appeals to be common sense to reduce It for the world's annual conaumptton of cotton hits decreaaed alnce 1107 One would expect Increaae of consumption Thors haa been Increaae of consumption for whatever Is to feed man or beast Our cotton production has Increased the last crop the biggest known The cotton Is not taken up by the world's manu-facturera according to production What per cent of our fifteen million hole crop will be held over to affeet this crop of 1113 Is a question to a 'V i- i t7' miss this opportunity Buy now as this sale last much longer STAR CLOTHING CO DAVE WACHTEL 518 Cherry St -t RATHER TAKE CHANCES WITH JUDGE THAN JURY Eat 1 Doing Slice them to Suit oiff Taste The court however did not take much cognizance of the motive In the theft and soaked the negro six months or a fine of $35 Sam Mitchell a negro was tried and convicted of gaming and waa sentenced to a year'on the gang or a line of 1100 The case of Brown a white man charged with carrying a pistol was nol proaaed as also were the cases of Allen Lewis and Willie Green both negroes the one under the charge of gaming and the other carrying a platoi READY TO COMPROMISE Isaacs (who has been hit with a golf I will have you In the law courts for dls I vlll suo you for live pounds' damage! But surely you heard me shout Isaacs Right! I vlll take it! London Opinion Out of II Cues Callod Yeitardiy 14 Woro Passed Thraa of Caaaa Heard Wara Ordered Nol Proaaed It seems that the negroes of Bibb county would rather bank on the clem- ency -of Judge Hodgea than place them- eel rea la the hands of the jurors in the lty court When the criminal docket In that court waa called yesterday morning fourteen cases were passed by the defendants to March 1C when they will have a hearing before the judge Only 'flee cases were heard and of these three were nol proaaed Marital Jones a negro some two months ago conceived a spite against Oscar Mitchell Janitor of the Nevarro flats and to wreck vengeance on him arerinw walked off with a pair of gloves A VICIOUS ACTOR Heywood Woolfolk look Ilka vary desprit character Quite the re vane Heywood looks as mild and meek aa a sick tabby cat and aa free from vlo lence as a fishing a fishing worm of the unturned vsrlety But taking him by and large Heywood is about the moet turbulent and furious bit of jet-black humanity that haa walked theee streets in a bunch of moons That is ha Is if ona may rely upon what ba says about It himself Bo far be has not started graveyard of his own but In bis mlnd'i eye he haa ona staked out and ha already prepared a list of victims to go in it Hs will not however' engage in the holocaust business for a few days sixty days to be exact aa yeeterday morning Judge Daly supplied him with a ticket good for a sixty-days' stop-over to the stockade Heywood had Just completed a visit of forty days to this sylvan retreat whither ha had been sent for threatening to skin a negro barber alive which threat shows that Heywood has a pretty fair idea of poetic Justice even if there era a few loose thumb sc and wrong font nuts and other things out of whack in his cupalo He drew his sixty days Tuesday morning on charges of being drunk and disorderly conduct It would appear that when he returned to the city Monday after his forty days of enforced retirement from society he was a bit dry and petulant and fretful -and dry and sort o' testy and dry Anyway hs was dry and it' was dryness that pond-water had no effect upon What he really needed In his business waa gin And a whole heap of It And notwithstanding nevertheless although and but he got It too Gin of great potency and strength gin that causeth the wayfarer to walk sideways and think backwards and which maketh the sidewalk to move out from under him when he least pecteth it and fly up and soak him in the eye After getting the dust out of his throat Heywood gathered a crowd of admirers together in a coon vodka Joint down on Fourth street and Informed them that he had hired out aa advance agent for an earthquake and that soon as hs felt well enough he intended to put a crimp about the size of the Suez canal in the white population He to slay a dozen or so white men before supper he announced just to get his band In and ha hoped by Tuesday to be able to open an office where he would serve catastrophes and cataclysms on the half-shell And Just about that time Officer Segars dropped in And shortly thereafter Heywood dropped out He alighted with a musical kerplunk right in the Brunette Maria and waa conveyed in state to the don Jon keep He was taxed $1075 for being drunk and $20 for conversing through his chapeau aa it wara AN ACCOMMODATING JEHU Sam Towsle a negro hackman is about the most accommodating Jehu the police department haa dealt with in sometime Lota of hackmen go 'way off somewhere and hide when they want to snatch forty winks or so in their hacks drive up 'a dark alley for instance and put the sleuths to no end of trouble to round them up But Sam's different He feels for the overworked thief takers and hasn't the heart to make them walk all over town looking him up whenever be wishes to shake off the cares and frets of the troublous old woraday world and hold a little seance with the sandman Yesterday morning he had business with Chief of Police Chapman so he drove around to the city hall to see that official The chief was occupied with other matters at the time and Sam had to wait While waiting It occurred to him that he'd been up pretty 'middling' late the night before and that take a small nap In his hack while he had nothing else to de And ba did- 6am is rather stout gpd when bd goeg tq sleep he means it When he drops off Into slumberiand he bits bottom and grappling hooks are required to yank him up to the surface again Yesterday morning shortly after Sam curled up in his hack and Informed Mister Morpheus to cut" -the cards and go as far aa he liked Detective Jenkins came along and noticed the driverless vehicle It was trembling and rocking from side to aide in a strange sort of fashion and from the inside came a sound strongly resembling the noise made by a cyclone when It la putting on Its things and- tuning up preparatory to going out and yanking a county up by the roots The detective waa puzzled He listened This was nothing out of the ordinary though aa one hze to llaten if he'a In the neighborhood of Sam when aaleep and the going la anything good Now it appeared that the hack contained a sawmill that made' a specialty of sawing knots and tkat it was a couple of days behind with Its orders and trying to catch up Windows In the Immediate vicinity were thrown up and people looked anxiously at the clouds fearing that a tamado was slipping up on them unawares Officer Jenkins moved cautiously over and peeked In the hack The mystery waa explained The reserves were called out and Sam awakened Later he explained to Judge Daly that he didn't moan any harm He waa just taking a little cat nap be said while waiting for the chief Sam looked so Innocent and so good-natured and chuckleheaded that the magistrate allowed him to go advising him however that when next chains do bind him to go out In the country somewhere where he can sleep without causing the city hall to totter on Its foundations Bam said yasalr he would and grinned delightedly as he went out to keep hie appointment with the chief A Permanent Chronic Although have not tried may dispute It who It yet thousands of others who weak from personal experience assert that there Is a permanent cure for chronic constipation Some testify they were cured for as little as fifty cents years ago and that the trouble never came back on them while others admit they took several bottles before a steady cure was brought about The remedy referred to la Dr Cald- well's Byrup Pepsin It has been on the market for over a quarter of a century and haa been popularised on its merits by one person telling another The fact that Its strongest supporters are woman and elderly people the ones most per- sistently constipated makes It certain that the claims regarding it as a permanent cure for constipation have not been exaggerated It la not violent like cathartic pills i-" "VI i 1 4 i Ip 'V 04-- Mr Davis and the Old Band Stand Said a Macon lady: must be sure to read that excellent historic article in today's Telegraph It la eo full of information One loves to read of those events and of those historic homes and the people who occupied them of which she speaka It is a scrapbook article and should be preserved for future reference To force our people to walk under the flag was a great stunt with the Federal authorities In' all cities They es peel ally doted on it as a method to humiliate our women Macon young lady about sixteen at the time walking down Mulberry near the Lanier hotel observing the suspended flag stepped aside to go around The soldier In blue with a gun In hand stopped her and attempted to force her to comply with Gen orders She would not yield and said: can run that bayonet through me but I will not aralk under that flag' In years afterward when Gen Wilson visited Macon with President -McKinley he related the circ*mstance and was anxious' to he introduced to the woman of such loyalty to her views And at the social functions they met and Gen Wilson said: No wonder the north had such a- time overpowering the south when her women were so- loyal and "But the article recalls Jefferson Davis' visit to- Macon on twp occasions "Hie visit to our fair when he was the guest of the Marsh Johnston family is a moet notable historic event All remember the rush of the old soldiers up the hill to greet him and hia last address' to his faithful oUl followers But the especial evlnt I desire to Impress was out at the fair grounds All the schools gave a holiday arid the echoed children marched to the fair grounds "Mr Davie and Mrs Davis occupied the band stand In tha park of the half mile track The children in holiday attlra marched up the steps shook hands' with the ex-president and Mrs Davie and passed out at the other entrance Mr Davie waa standing -while Air Davie sated It waa a beautiful eight-touching scene Now and then as some little girl touched his hand Mr' Davis would stoop and kiss the dear child So many in Macon will recall this scene The great throng of people thri old soldiers included looked on wjth sqeh Joy and Interest and pride "Now what I want- done ie for the authorities to decorate that stand tor the reunion occasion and make it also an historic point and let visitors know where Mr- Davis stood when he greeted the children of Macon "I shall never forget the glow of enthusiasm on the Mce of my little giri who ran up to me and said: I touched Mr Davie hand he stooped and kissed me" gives to the old band stand a consecrated Interest In that on that day It waa Mr' and Mrs Davis' reception room "Let it be so decorated so marked and distinctive that all the old Vets who camp at the park and also the Sons will know from that stand Mr Davie received and greeted and Meased the children of Macon'" SLEEPER OVER STEEP BANK Canadian Northern Faat Passenger Train la Wrecked and Sevaral Are Hurt WINNIPEG Man March iThe rear aletper of a Canadian Northern faat passenger train bound for Winnipeg 'railed doyn thirty feet Into the Saskatoon river with seven' passengers late' last night All were badly hurt and Dr Sparling of Saskatoon may die A bridge near Saskatoon- Sak- collapsed aa the train was crossing All the care but one passed over safely TAKE DOUBLE SUPPLY COAL Ocean Liners Leaving New' Brunswick Pert Do Net Propose to Be Cut Short ST JOHN March The effect of the British coal strike has begun to be felt at this port Ocean liners now in port are taking on a double supply of coal sufficient to last them the round trip thus forestalling possible delay cm the other aide Ordinarily fifty tor sixty men are employed In the bunkering of steamers but now about 250 men will be kept buoy day and "night working 23 hours out-of -24 How to Bad Complexion foolish 'to attempt' to cover up or hide A sallow complexion when you can eo- easily remove the- sallowness or the pdmplexlon Itself Rouge and the like on a brownish akin -only emphasise the defect The better way le to apply pure mercollsed -wax the same me you would cold putting it on at night removing it in the morning with' warm water following with a dash of cold The effect of a few applications is simply marvelous The half-dead cuticle to absorbed by the wax painlessly gradually In tiny imperceptible particle revealing the beaatiful velvety-white new skin- beneath No- woman need have a sallow blotchy pimply or freckled complex Ion if she'll juet go to the druggist's get an ounce of good mereollxod wax and use Realm' as suggested--Woman's Equality of Climate Its Charm Yesterday was weather-topic day Mr Charles Coats the well-known salesman said: "This day takes the caka for dlaagree-ablenesa cold a dampness that penetrates wet no sunshine And we have had so many days Just ilka It this winter But we know nothing of severity winter the shock of sudden change as they have In Chicago The winter haa been persistent running the coal Mil way up yonder In home Atlanta complains of a most wretched winter the worst she has experienced since the establishment of her weather bureau "Though disagreeable here eo many days yet moet of the time out-doors has been pleasant Ours la a medium climate not too far south and not too far north This renders Macon such an ideal educational 'center The school terms are In winter closing the first of June the holidays coming during the summer months Macon too aa statistics show la at the top 'of -the list of the cities of the United States for heakH This la due I suppose to Its equability of climate Az to its beauty-' the booklet- Issued by the Central railway says: 'Macon la acknowledged by all to be one of the moet beautiful cities in the south Henry Ward Beecher once pronounced It the most beautiful city In America-and many years ago a noted authoress and critic gave it the title of 'Pink of the South and the Rosebud of All Cities' Peaches' Safe at Preaant A' Ray- of Sumter county- who manages the large ochard on the Whittle farm lnSumter says: "While formers who plant cotton and corn are moody over' their backset from weather condition the fruit men are full of "cheer and hope' The fruit trees are tit 'Tine condition Tha cold has held 'In check 3fhe buda "What Jjjjfahie or the Whittle orchard la also' titly of 'tha Other large orchards Of Stfm ter '-the Raymond tha Ware-Pro-gremthe iCarollna the Mitchell Hansford and other orchards Which in the aggregate contain more than 415000- bearing trees The ElbertsF the Carmen a the Bllles-' all in fine-' condition now If wethef 'conditions in future remain favorable 'ours will be a bumper A Tlmelyf Movement -The traveling men who gather at the hotels Indulge -In great variety of chat on rainy days Mr Roberta among them said: "The Macon Telegraph has been advising merchants to be market-finders tor the farmers so that when he brings anything to eall he can dispose of It as he does cotton for cash This is the way to bring about diversified forming' 'I see Dublin' is putting into practice the Idea They are pushing to a successful culmination a grain and feed warehouse The company will he capitalised and will erect a warehouse top' storing grain feed stuffs com RECEIPT FOR COLD (By Request) A simple but highly efficient remedy for Colds! Croup Sore Throat Tight Chests efcr alee for Catarrh le ordinary Mentolated Suet Apply on hqt cloth to -chest or throat for colds and sore throat For Croup patient should swallow a piece1 about the else -of a buckshot also apply on bot cloth to chest and throat A small bit put well up In the nostrils will relieve catarrh almost instantly A Thomas Drug Co ABE MARTIN It looks like eon science wave wua goto tv skip Oyster Bay Doctor Mopps said Elgin Tutor wuz gHtln' locomotor a taxi Niton Turner said he'd better pay for hia planner first The Want Ads will turn obsolete and disused household goods into cash or present Cure For Constipation salts or waters but operates gently without griping and without shock to the system It contains tonic properties that strengthen the stomach and bowel muscles so that in time medicines of all kinds can be dlspfnsed with and nature Is again solely relied on Among the legions who testify to these facts are Mr 337 Ga Ave Atlanta Ga and Mrs Lula Oisbome Seneca 8 and they always have a bottle of it in the house for it is a reliable laxative for all the family from Infancy to old age Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It in the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to -the home free of charge hy simply addressing Dr Caldwell 405 Washington St Montlcello 111 Your name and address on a postal card will do Tasteful Tonic On Tan 3918 351 TgflBjiw INrM fcpt 8 Maoep Saturday March 9 MATINEE AND NIGHT Th' Enormously Successful BUSTER BROWN? wh r4 MASTER HAROLD The Diminutive Michief Maker' as aided and abetted in era at- ing laughter by and "MARY JANE" Ably aaaiatad by a large ehorua of I pretty girls with sweet voiooo EVERYTHING NEW THIS SEASON Matinee 26e fio Night -II 2Bo fUb I1 daintily different Muaieal Com Triumph Ihndiy ffitbt Nirdi 7 th MORT SINGER it Complata production and aupariar company of Half a hundred favorites fiOo 7io 1100 9150 KEYSIONA THE WORLD'S flNEST I'W- WALL FINISH GetPrkeayyH BRITT Phone 3988 0aace Phones 3919 ALBANY FIVE DEFEATS AMERICUS SECOND TIME Game a Tie at End of First Half But th Last' Goes Overwhelmingly to the Heme Hopes Score 20 to 14 ALBANY March By Vldef eating Americus last night the Albany basketball team established its over Its rivals as ibis was the adcond victory for the Albany team The game tost night was -featured throughout by good playing The score at the end of the first half stood id and 10 with the odds eamlngly in favor of Americus but- the boys from the Sumter capital did not geefti long on wind as In the second half they allowed th Albany boys to pile up 10 more points while they scored only 4'-sThe final score was 20 to 14 In favor of Albany Only two fouls one by each team were made Oliver Albany's right forward played the star game of the evening Dunn starred for Ameri-' iiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimHiiiiniu 1 Your Way? I When you want back corre- 3 a spondencefromSmith I Co? can you get it ALL in- I side 30 seconds? 1 If you your filing system needs going oyer changing Your filing system should 5 be built to fit your business Positively it needs a man with special training to do justice to a filing to really solve it right -1 OUT ami Man haS i such training He is kept advised of all the best meth- i1 ods by the and or- ganization with 30 years of practical experience in such work This you jj nothing why not- invest! i gate? 1 THE BURKE CO MACON 6A Exclusive Agency Satisfying In Bottles 'A JIM MISLAID A COW Jim Gibson colored claims to be the victim- of a poor memory a memory that skips beats end track' ea you might say At present Jim Is occupying a cell In the county Jail waiting for the superior court to investigate a charge of larceny entered opposite his name on the Jail blotter And all the trouble came about because Jim remember to save his life what in the' name good' ness he did with a cow entrusted to his care late Monday afternoon Looking at It casually It seems that it would be rather difficult to misplace as big a thing as a cow But Jim did it Or at least he had the cow and now he hasn't got her and he says hs reckons he must 'a' put her In a slaughter pen as he was Instructed to do hy the cow's owner but If he' didn't be Jlmwlggled If he knows what he did do with her Jim's lapse of memory la due In some part it la understood to his "frequent-visits to the shrines of Bacchus that lay between the point where he started with the cow and the place he Intended taking her The cow belongs to Marx whs conducts a butcher shop at 137 Fifth street Monday afternoon be engaged Jim to act as escort for the bovine to a slaughter pen south of the city Jim undertook the commission and blithely started off Mr Marx declares the cow did not reach her destination Jim scratches his heed as though puzzled when questioned about the matter and says that to the beet of hia recollection he accompanied hie charge to the pen anyway he's- aura they went somewhere together The owner of the animal had Jim arrested charged with stealing his property and Judge Daly yesterday hound him over to the superior court under the bond of $500 A-r PORTER Wholesale Distributor NACON GA mml7 -I j' -A '-C 1 I i.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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